Aug 2, 2022
Since we just got engaged (yay) obviously we have all the tips! On this episode we have a special guest ... My fiance @charlie_Salanger _Travels we go over how he asked , how he prepared and a few tips for anyone looking to pop the question.
Let us know how you asked, we love to hear your love stories !
Like, Love &...
Jul 29, 2022
In This Episode Chris and I go over our top 10 travel tips!
From booking your services to packing all the necessitites , this EP will have you covered.
Let us help you make those har decissions! For more planning information contact our Simply Classic team
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Jun 16, 2022
In this episode Chris and I talk about how to narrow down that hard decission of choosing your wedding venue. There are so many options and o many factors at play when making this decission , it's time to lean into one another and oaly off of your personalities and what really matter for you that day (or...
Oct 12, 2021
In this episode Shelby interviews Kelly Faetanini a remarkable wedding gown designer located in New York.
"Kelly Faetanini Wedding Gowns come in a variety of shapes and sizes for the modern bride. We have classic styles that trend from romantic to dramatic. No matter what style gown you choose, they are all crafted...
Aug 31, 2021
Our first Q & A and you didn't disappoint with your questions. I know I say it all the time but I thin k this was my favorite EP yet, it felt personal and I got to know what you wanted to hear... So let's plan on one of these once a month!
Drop your questions in the comments, hit us in the DM's or shot them to our...